Day 4 - The rain in Spain....

Wednesday 2nd September 2015 

There is no sign of breakfast at the Grandas Hostal so we are on the road at 9am. There are miles of beautiful roads here in Asturias. We ride over two low passes of 1200 and 1700 metres respectively. Unfortunately any altitude over 800m is in cloud so we have few good views and the riding is difficult. There are lots of lakes created by small dams across the valleys.   


Mick and dam
and me too

Again there is no traffic.We arrive in a small town and find a welcoming cafe. Six slices of bacon and two fried eggs for €4.50 cheers us up no end.
We continue riding west in deteriorating conditions and stop briefly for a snack lunch in St Martin. It is slow going in the mist and traffic is heavier here.

Mick communing with his phone

...and Mick communing with nature

Finally we drift into Rioseco and find a hotel. It is a relief to dry out and neck a beer or two. There are some damn fine heavy ales in this part of Spain.

The hotel has been in the family for a long time. In the dining room there are old photographs of the hotelier's father or grandfather working in the smoke house at the back. He is surrounded by long strips of meat hanging up in the smoke to be cured.
Nice slab of veal

We treat ourselves to an excellent evening meal. I have a thick cut of veal and Mick has wild boar. Great sauces and a good local red wine.

It rains all night but we are snug in the hotel. Don't believe that line abou
t only on the plain. It rains pretty seriously in the mountains here too. 


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