Day 8 (1) - Wow We're Back to Castles Again

Sunday 6th September 2015

We are up with the larks. There are lots of rabbits hopping about outside the tents and a red squirrel puts in an appearance. A robin sits on an empty wine bottle by my feet as I brew up some coffee.

The campsite at Aix is lovely but the wifi is terrible. After a hour trying to upload a picture I give up and we get back on the road.

The main road is heavy with traffic. There is some kind of festival occurring in the town. So not without trepidation I select the Winding Roads option on the Tomtom for the next part of the journey.

On the back roads

The last time I tried this option was on a very wet morning in Italy heading for Lake Como. The route took us up farm tracks and impossibly steep gradients, through muddy streams and crumbling road edges with terrifying drops on both sides. We average a speed of about 10mph. But this time it works a treat. We climb up and down small passes and through charming villages.

Talc factory down in the valley

On the winding roads

We stop for a photo or two looking down on a big industrial site. A handy information board tells us  that it is the site of a talc mining operation that has been in business for hundreds of years. It doesn't spoil the magnificent view at all.

We carry on following the well paved small roads. There is no traffic and although the going is slow at times we enjoy fabulous views and great tricky roads. The clouds have rolled away now we are out of the highest peaks and for the first time on this tour the sun is hot on our backs.

Erik is unimpressed

Finally we rejoin the main roads for the run down into Carcassonne. We are heading for Le Camping de la Cite just below the old city walls. It is another great site and although it is now 5pm the sun is blazing down and the temperature has risen into the low 30s.

We quickly change out of the biking gear and set up camp. With his legendary sartorial elegance Michael has chosen a matching ensemble of red blouse and black and white culottes. Matching accessories are low cut socks and suede open-toed sandals. After he finishes his studies Michael hopes to assist one of the major aid agencies bringing relief to the war-torn refugees of Goldthorpe.

Out of the mountains

Happy camper

Sartorial elegance at Carcasonne camp site

With the evening bringing welcome relief from the heat of the day we set out on the 15 minute riverside walk to the old citadel that we can glimpse from our camping ground through the trees to the north. I know next to nothing about Carcassonne save for the odd image or two on TV or in magazines. It turns out to be truly amazing, but do do it justice I will save it for the next episode.


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