Day 12 - The Verdon Gorge

Thursday 10th September 2015

Our ride today takes us along the south side of the Verdon Gorge.

We ride down to the bridge at the east end of the Lac de Saint-Croix, where the Verdon River emerges and the gorge starts. Above us is the pretty town of Aiguines.
Lac de Saint-Croix (and Mick)

Me too!

We ride along the top of the gorge on a twisty road full of tourists cars and camper vans. Lots of bikes too. Occasionally a big tourist coach comes lumbering by leaving very little space to get by, so the going is slow.
Hire a boat in the gorge

The Verdon Gorge

That is good because the views are spectacular. We stop at a the Grand Canyon Hotel which has an excellent terrace viewing platform. The waitress is either prejudiced against bikers, or the English or just us, or maybe too stupid to realise that we arrived before the large group of cyclists and then some German tourists who join us on the terrace. So after she has served the other two parties and still ignores us we take the hint and leave. We got the pictures though, which was the main point of our stop.

The high road along the top of the gorge winds down to the Pont del'Artuby bridge, then across a plateau where we turn north east and soon arrive for lunch in Castellane.

The view from the Grand Canyon hotel terrace
I woz 'ere!

The weather is changing and some dark clouds are rolling in as we climb up a tight twisty road to the Col de Champs. I realise I know this road, I was here last year. The ride up from the west is very poorly surfaced but down the other side it is fantastic. A series of broad well-surfaced lacets (hairpins) sweep down the valley and our speed and our mood improves.

Pont del'Artuby

Bikers at Pont del'Artuby

The weather doesn't though, and after several more passes the thunder starts and huge raindrops begin to fall.

We are only 10 miles from our destination, a hotel in the tiny village of Rimplas perched high above a river valley on the Route des Grand Alpes.
In the gorge

Col du Champs

The Hostellerie du Randonneur

Stefan and his Guzzi

The Hostellerie du Randonneur (hikers' hostel) is run by an ex Ducati Superbike racer called Stefan. Last year he helped me out with a puncture. This year he is equally charming and despite the raging thunderstorm we enjoy a good evening meal and, thoroughly knackered after eight hours of mostly pass riding, we are asleep by 9:30pm. 


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